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Keep yourself Locked

Your Catalyst account should be the only one used for: 
    • Microsoft Suite (Email/Teams etc.,) 
    • Infinite Campus
    • Illuminate
    • Google 
    • Helpdesk 
    • Copiers 
  • Never give your account information away(Username, password, personal information) 
  • Social Media or an online presence of Catalyst requires approval from the Network Office team. Please do not use your personal or work email to create any accounts to a site that, in any way relates to Catalyst Schools or its intellectual property. (e.g. Do not create an Instagram/fb account for your classroom or a club with your personal or work email). If you need something, we can try to help you in creating an account that can be used in future as well) 
Device Care

We are required by law to ensure our network is not being used in any harmful way

  • Employees are responsible for all Catalyst Schools' property, materials or written information issued to them or their possession or control 
  • You are responsible for using the device according to school and district policies 
  • You are responsible for proper care of Catalyst Schools' property, including repair or replacement of Catalyst Schools equipment damaged as a result of negligence. Normal Wear and tear is expected. Please provide adequate security for the equipment (especially consideration for technology while it is in your possession (on- or off-campus) 
  • Each device has a unique serial number and asset tag. These should not be modified or removed. 
  • Do not save personal apps/data on the device. The technology may be collected and wiped
  • Reboot your device weekly! 
  • Check email for instructions on System Updates from the helpdesk with subject TECHALERT, TECHUPDATE, and TECHTIPS
lost / damaged devices
If any of your Catalyst Schools property is stolen please follow this process:

Email the details of what happened within 24 hours. That email should be addressed to the following people -
MSOC/Office Manager, Principal, Director of IT (for technology items) 
Imran Shamim |
Dawn Donati | (CSM)
Elizabeth Dunn | (CCR)
Roxanne Salas | (CSM)
LaQuesha Miller | (CCR)

If stolen - complete a police report,  YOU MUST submit a copy of the report to the Director of IT and a replacement will be issued as quickly as possible 
If and/or when you leave the employ of Catalyst Schools you will be expected to return all equipment.  If you fail to do so, you will be asked to deliver missing items before you receive your last check. 

If negligence is found, you'll be responsible for a device deductible of $500 to get a replacement device.
Acceptable Use 

Your Yoga 260

507 Computer and Email Usage
Reviewed: 8/8/23

Computers, computer files, the email system, and software furnished to Employees are Catalyst Schools property and intended for business use. An Employee should not use a password, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication without authorization. To ensure compliance with this policy, computer and email usage will be monitored.
Catalyst Schools strives to maintain a workplace free of harassment and sensitive to the diversity of its Employees. Therefore, Catalyst Schools prohibits the use of computers and the email system in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others or harmful to morale.

Catalyst Schools purchases and licenses the use of various computer software for business purposes and does not own the copyright to this software or its related documentation. Unless authorized by the software developer, Catalyst Schools does not have the right to reproduce such software for use on more than one (1) computer.

An Employee may only use software on local area networks or on multiple machines according to the software license agreement. Catalyst Schools prohibits the illegal duplication of software and its related documentation.

An Employee should notify his/her Supervisor, the Director of Information Technology, the Director of Administration or any member of management upon learning of violations of this policy. An Employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

508 Internet Usage
Reviewed: 8/8/23

Internet access is provided by Catalyst Schools to assist Employees in obtaining work-related data and technology. The following guidelines have been established to help ensure responsible and productive Internet usage.

All Internet data that is composed, transmitted or received via Catalyst Schools computer communications systems is considered to be part of the official records of Catalyst Schools and, as such, is subject to disclosure to law enforcement or other third parties. Consequently, an Employee should always ensure that the business information contained in Internet email messages and other transmissions are accurate, appropriate, ethical, and lawful. The equipment, services, and technology provided to access the Internet remain at all times the property of Catalyst Schools. As such, Catalyst Schools reserves the right to monitor Internet traffic, and retrieve and read any data composed, sent or received through our online connections and stored in our computer systems.

Data that is composed, transmitted, accessed or received via the Internet must not contain content that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, harassing, intimidating or disruptive to any employee or other person.

The unauthorized use, installation, copying or distribution of copyrighted, trademarked or patented material on the Internet is expressly prohibited. As a general rule, if an Employee did not create material, does not own the rights to it or has not gotten authorization for its use, it should not be put on the Internet. An Employee is also responsible for ensuring that the person sending any material over the Internet has the appropriate distribution rights.

Abuse of Internet access provided by Catalyst Schools or the violation of Catalyst policies will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. An Employee may also be held personally liable for any violations of this policy.

509 Workplace Monitoring
Reviewed: 8/8/23

Workplace monitoring may be conducted by Catalyst Schools to ensure Employee and Scholar safety and security. Email, cell phones, equipment and services, internet services, technology and other forms of electronic communication provided by Catalyst Schools, as well as all Catalyst Schools’ records are not private – they belong to Catalyst Schools and not the Employee.

Employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy concerning the use of email, cell phones, equipment and services, internet services, technology, and other forms of electronic communication provided by Catalyst Schools and, as such, Catalyst Schools may access or monitor these systems and equipment.

Catalyst Schools will not:​
  • Ask, require or coerce Employees or applicants to provide passwords or other related account information for accessing their personal online accounts.
  • Demand access to Employees’ and applicant's personal online accounts.
  • Ask, require or coerce Employees and applicants to authenticate or access their personal online accounts.
  • Require or coerce Employees and applicants to invite Catalyst Schools to join groups affiliated with their personal online accounts.
  • Require or coerce Employees and applicants to join Catalyst Schools’ online accounts or add Catalyst Schools to contact lists for their personal online accounts.
  • Retaliate against an Employee or applicant for refusing any of the above activities.

510 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct
Reviewed: 8/8/23

Social media - Media for social interaction, using highly accessible communication techniques through the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. This includes, but is not limited to, services such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.

Personal technology - Any device that is not owned or leased by Catalyst Schools or otherwise
authorized for Catalyst Schools’ use and: (1) transmits sounds, images, text, messages, videos,
or electronic information, (2) electronically records, plays, or stores information, or (3) accesses
the Internet, or private communication or information networks. This includes laptop computers
(e.g., laptops, Ultrabooks, and Chromebooks), tablets (e.g., iPads®, Kindle®, Microsoft Surface®,
and other Android® platform or Windows® devices), smartphones (e.g., iPhone®, BlackBerry®,
Android® platform phones, and Windows Phone®), and other devices (e.g., iPod®).
In general, Catalyst Schools views websites, web logs and other information published on
mediums accessible by the public by its Employees positively, and it respects the right of
Employees to use them as a medium of self-expression. If an Employee chooses to identify
himself/herself as a Catalyst Schools Employee or to discuss matters related to Catalyst Schools,
please bear in mind that although the information published by the Employee will generally be
viewed as a medium of personal expression, some readers may nonetheless view him/her as a
de facto spokesperson for Catalyst Schools.

In light of this possibility the following guidelines must be followed:
• The use of school equipment, including computers and electronic systems, is for Catalyst
Schools’ purposes only.

• Employees should choose a Catalyst Schools provided or supported method whenever
possible to communicate with students and their parents/guardians.

• Employees must adhere to the high standards for appropriate school relationships
required by Policy 107, Code of Ethics, at all times, regardless of the ever-changing social
media and personal technology platforms available. This includes Employees posting
images or private information about themselves or others in a manner readily accessible
to students and other Employees that is inappropriate.

• Personal technology and social media may not be used to share, publish, or transmit
information about or images of students and/or Catalyst Schools’ Employees without
proper approval.

• Employees must not interfere with or disrupt the educational or working environment, or
the delivery of education or educational support services.

• An Employee is not permitted to disclose confidential or proprietary information. He/she
must at all times abide by all non-disclosure and confidentiality policies.

• If an Employee blogs or otherwise publishes information about Catalyst Schools, she/he
must clearly and conspicuously disclose his/her relationship with Catalyst Schools and
must make it clear to his/her readers that the views expressed are his/her opinion alone
and do not represent the views of Catalyst Schools.

• An Employee is not permitted to use any school logo or graphics without first obtaining
written permission from the Director of Administration.

• An Employee may only use personal technology and social media for personal purposes
only during non-work times or hours. Any duty-free use must occur during times and
places that the use will not interfere with job duties or otherwise be disruptive to the school
environment or its operation.

• An Employee assumes all responsibility and liability for his/her public statements and all
risks associated with the use of personal technology and social media at school or school-
sponsored activities, including students’ viewing of inappropriate Internet materials
through the Employee’s personal technology or social media. Catalyst Schools expressly
disclaims any responsibility for imposing content filters, blocking lists, or monitoring of its
Employees’ personal technology and social media.

Employees are subject to remedial and any other appropriate disciplinary action for violations
of this policy ranging from prohibiting the Employee from possessing or using any personal
technology or social media at school to dismissal and/or indemnification of Catalyst Schools
for any losses, costs, or damages, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by Catalyst
Schools relating to, or arising out of, any violation of this policy.
Web Filtering and Security

We are required by law to ensure our network is not being used in any harmful way

Catalyst Schools takes online security very seriously. We use Light Speed Relay to ensure our presence is safe and our scholars and staff are able to get to whatever they need.
Lightspeed – Webfilter 
  • Lightspeed lets us FilterManageMonitorProtect, and Analyze across operating systems, on and off network. 
  • If there are any sites that you would like unblocked by Lightspeed, reach out to  ROCKITS for approval. 
file  management

Look for these icons on your laptop​

Catalyst Schools is a Google Drive and One Drive school. We want you to make sure that you save your files on our cloud platforms.
  • Google file stream and One Drive are installed on your machine. Please locate them and use them to back up your machines.
  • Please know if your device dies at any point we will not be able to get your files back if you don't save to the aforementioned areas.


Charlie One Card:

  • Please make sure to notify if you lose your Charlie One (print/scan/Access Control) card as anyone can use it to enter the building under your name

  • There is a $15.00 fee for lost cards starting


Additional Replacement Fees

  • $30 Charger, $300 Phone, $500 Device Negligence

Catalyst Cyber Fraud Prevention Policy



Cyber fraud poses a significant threat to K-12 educational organizations, as it can result in financial loss, data breaches, and damage to the reputation of the institution. This Cyber Fraud Prevention Policy outlines the strategies and procedures to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber fraud within Catalyst Schools.

Policy Statement

Our K-12 organization is committed to safeguarding our students, staff, and stakeholders from cyber fraud. This policy establishes guidelines and responsibilities for preventing cyber fraud and ensuring a secure digital environment for all.



  1. Awareness and Training: Ensure that all staff, students, and stakeholders are educated about cyber fraud risks and prevention measures.

  2. Secure IT Infrastructure: Maintain a secure and up-to-date IT infrastructure to reduce vulnerabilities.

  3. Access Control: Implement strict access controls to protect sensitive data and systems.

  4. Incident Response: Develop a robust incident response plan to address and mitigate cyber fraud incidents promptly.

  5. Reporting and Communication: Establish clear reporting procedures and channels for suspected cyber fraud incidents.

  6. Regular Monitoring and Auditing: Conduct regular monitoring and auditing of systems, networks, and financial transactions.

  7. Vendor Security: Ensure that third-party vendors and service providers adhere to cyber security best practices.

  8. Legal and Compliance: Comply with all relevant laws and regulations pertaining to cyber fraud prevention.



1. Awareness and Training

  • All staff and students must undergo cyber security awareness training annually.

  • Regularly update stakeholders about emerging cyber threats and prevention strategies.

  • Encourage the reporting of suspicious activities or emails.


2. Secure IT Infrastructure

  • Regularly update operating systems, software, and antivirus/malware tools.

  • Use strong encryption protocols for data in transit and at rest.

  • Maintain a secure firewall and intrusion detection/prevention system.

  • Implement a robust password policy, including multi-factor authentication.


3. Access Control

  • Restrict access to sensitive data and systems to authorized personnel only.

  • Assign access levels based on job roles and responsibilities.

  • Monitor and log user access and activities for suspicious behavior.


4. Incident Response

  • Develop an incident response plan that outlines procedures for reporting, assessing, and mitigating cyber fraud incidents.

  • Establish a dedicated incident response team with assigned roles and responsibilities.

  • Regularly test and update the incident response plan.


5. Reporting and Communication

  • Implement a clear and confidential reporting channel for suspected cyber fraud incidents.

  • Ensure that all staff and students understand how to report incidents.

  • Notify relevant parties promptly if a cyber fraud incident occurs.


6. Regular Monitoring and Auditing

  • Conduct regular security assessments and penetration tests.

  • Monitor network traffic for unusual patterns or anomalies.

  • Perform periodic audits of financial transactions and accounts.


7. Vendor Security

  • Include cyber security requirements in vendor contracts.

  • Regularly assess and audit the security practices of third-party vendors.

  • Ensure vendors promptly report any security incidents.


8. Legal and Compliance

  • Comply with federal and state laws and regulations related to cyber security and data protection.

  • Collaborate with law enforcement agencies as necessary during investigations.



  • All staff, students, and stakeholders are expected to comply with this policy.

  • Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action or legal consequences.

  • The organization's IT department is responsible for enforcing this policy and conducting regular compliance checks.



This Cyber Fraud Prevention Policy will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed to address emerging cyber threats and changing regulations.

  • Any changes to the policy will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders.



Preventing cyber fraud is crucial for the safety and security of our K-12 organization, its students, and staff. By following this policy and promoting a culture of cyber security awareness, we can mitigate the risks associated with cyber fraud and ensure a safe digital environment for everyone involved



Imran Shamim for emergencies



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